Wednesday 13 January 2016

Yes, Of Course It Does….

Mrs Arthur, who has six children aged six to 23 - Sonny is the youngest - is keen to warn other parents of the dangers of these chemicals.
She said: "It just burns all the internal organs, it’s horrible stuff. I'll never use that again. 
"It was something that could have been prevented but it was just a stupid error.
"It could have happened to anybody. He’s quite a sensible kid and that it happened to him shows how easy it is."
She added: "This stuff is a killer, it’s lethal. It’s designed to unblock drains so you can imagine what does to the inside of the human body, it doesn’t bear thinking about."
…that’s why sensible people leave it in the bottle with the child-proof cap, and don’t decant it into a mineral water bottle and leave it lying around, FFS!

Stupid woman should be prosecuted for child endangerment, not given space in a newspaper to wibble on about ‘dangers’ that any normal person can already see, in a blatant attempt to con money out of the public for her fundraising page.


  1. No, it couldn't have happened to anybody. Only some enterprising innocent with a fuckwit for a parent.

  2. I quote somebody I do not know who who said that if we want to do something about over population all that is needed is to remove all warning labels. How right that person could be and already sometimes is.

  3. Darwin by proxy:- that's (unfortunately) not a new one.

  4. I lived in Greece for a bit and the suicide chemical of choice was a drain cleaner called aqua forte. I never saw the results, but this gives some indication, appropriately enough, using a mineral water bottle.

  5. "Only some enterprising innocent with a fuckwit for a parent."

    And the MSM seems incapable of pointing that out.

    "How right that person could be and already sometimes is."

    She'd just pop out another!

    "I never saw the results, but this gives some indication, appropriately enough, using a mineral water bottle."

