Wednesday 24 February 2016

I Dunno, Another Viewing Of ‘The Voice’ And I’d Want To Blow Things Up…

A Muslim teenager feared to be in danger of radicalisation should watch more television to get her interested in football and boys, a family court judge has been told.


  1. Football? Jeebus! If,as a teenager, I was told to watch that mind-numbing pile of utter crap, I'd be strapping a suicide belt around my middle tout suite.

  2. You could always have two teams of Jihadi enthusiasts using a football "made in Syria". That ticking sound? It's just the ref's watch.

  3. If watching TV doesn't work, would she consider some of Islamic States own control methods more appropriate for her.

  4. "If,as a teenager, I was told to watch that mind-numbing pile of utter crap, I'd be strapping a suicide belt around my middle tout suite."


    "That ticking sound? It's just the ref's watch."

    SNORK! Mind you, Ch4 would apply for broadcasting rights.

    "...would she consider some of Islamic States own control methods more appropriate for her."

    *loses all interest in breakfast*
