Sunday 28 February 2016

I Wouldn't Say So, No....

...we might need fewer, though.


  1. Bravo, Julia. Often I find myself shouting "fewer" at the radio as some ignorant wallah (or walleress)says fewer to a plural noun.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats29 February 2016 at 07:38

    What have you got against less shops? Can't people sell less if they want to?

    They could sell less tat for instance.

    Or less sanctimonious, Guardianista endorsed comestibles.

    Or less nonsense.

    Embrace the endangered less shops. They need our support.

  3. "Bravo, Julia."

    It's a lonely battle. And I think we're losing... :(

    "They could sell less tat for instance."

    Sadly, it's their best seller...
