Thursday 25 February 2016

No Sympathy!

Rhys suffered an adjustment disorder, anxiety and depressed mood swings which lasted for more than a year and was bullied at school about the incident.
Aww, dry your eyes, princess! You tried a foot race with a quadruped and lost. Happens a lot, if you’re an idiot.
His lawyer Dianne Collins, of Nelsons Solicitors, said: "No admission of liability was received nor was an apology - which was all that Mrs Bennett really wanted at the beginning of the claim."
Yeah, sure. She’ll be sending that £10,000 to a charity, then, will she?
Superintendent Martyn Ball of Leicestershire Police's professional standards department, said: "A dog handler will always instruct a suspect to stand still and not run away. In some cases this instruction is ignored, and as the dogs are trained to pursue and restrain individuals, they will be detained by the dog, and this may result in a dog bite."
He didn’t add ‘…and serves you right for trying to have it away on your toes with your little gang of fellow vandals when the police finally turn up.’.

But I would have done!


  1. Hoist of his own retard. There ought to be tougher thresholds before public bodies pay my money out to chancers. Much tougher.

  2. How do these cases get legal aid?!?

  3. The decision to give Legal Aid is made before the court has heard the evidence so nobody knows if the case is good or not, and the Legal Aid Board (Im not sure of their name) is not there to try a case before the courts do.

    My Dad trained Police dogs, and they do run fast and they do bite hard. Taught me to be a good boy.
