Friday 19 February 2016

Thank God We’re Concentrating On The Important Issues…

…and not wasting time trying to cure cancer, or something:
Women are being marginalised by news websites which prefer to use pictures of them while quoting men as sources or experts, a study of more than two million online articles has found Men’s views and voices tend to dominate the text of most news articles published online, while women appear proportionally more in images, according to the research conducted by the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff.
The researchers said their findings confirmed the results of smaller-scale studies which had come to similar conclusions. One previous analysis of hundreds of televised news stories found that female reporters were more likely to present human interest and health related stories, while males were more often used as experts.
*yawns again*
Dr Cynthia Carter, a social scientist and senior lecturer at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, is one of the authors of the new study. She said: “Our large-scale, data-driven analysis offers important empirical evidence of macroscopic patterns in news content, supporting feminist researchers’ longstanding claim that the marginalisation of women’s voices in the news media undervalues their potential contributions to society, and in the processes, diminishes democracy.”
Haven’t you got some dishes to wash, or something, love?


  1. Maybe she should start a blog. After all, the internet doesn't discriminate on the grounds of sex or anything else. If people think that you have something interesting to say you will get lots of hits, otherwise you won't.


  2. I'd rather look at women than men in general.

    No issue here.

  3. "Maybe she should start a blog. After all, the internet doesn't discriminate on the grounds of sex or anything else."

    If she didn't have something to blame, why, she might be forced to conclude that it's all down to her...
