Monday 15 August 2016

Well, NPR, It Seems The Reason Is Obvious...'s because fouling their own nest is a hobby and a pastime.


  1. Black people appear to be in the chicken and egg situation. What came first their criminal tendencies and poor intellectual abilities or was it the environment in which they live. So the question to be answered if you change one will it alter the other and which one do you change. It appears the left believe it is the latter and concentrate their efforts on doing that. The evidence from places like Chicago and Baltimore would appear to indicate that it actually makes the former worse. Milwaukee perhaps are concentrating on the former and if left alone we may find out if that way works. Of course they will never be allowed to as the howling left wing mob will stop it.

  2. "Rich people got all this money and they not trying to give us none."

    He has a point, I think. It's just not fair when non-rappers of his calibre are missing from the Forbes List. Just about on par with this verbal nonsense, is the latest offering from Lynne Owens...the cretin who inexplicably landed the £250,000+ job as Director General of the National Crime Agency. Following her controversial stint dealing with rape cases amid concerns about her 'performance' as a chief constable, she is again urging plod to ‘arrest first and investigate later' in all cases of alleged rape.

  3. When three black "yooths" set fire to and almost beat to death an 83 year old woman, another gang beat to death one Melinda McCormick and Rebecca Wood is murdered for $20 the media is silent. An "Aspiring Rapper" so much as stubs a toe and the media and "Black Lives Matter" are all over it. Over in Chicago, last weeks score stands at 24 homicides, 86 shot and wounded with 2639 total shootings Chicago is well on target to break the 3k barrier for the first time. And yet they wonder why people steer clear of such places!

  4. Bunny

    The other option is to say, we've had a whip round and here is the money for a flight to Africa. Also here is some seed money to start a farm or business venture out there. The only downside is you will have to work.

  5. Watch this for a black guys view on other blacks.

    Well worth listening to him.

  6. " The evidence from places like Chicago and Baltimore would appear to indicate that it actually makes the former worse. "

    Not to mention Detroit, which in parts looks a lot like one of those post-apocalyptic scenarios beloved on 70s film makers.

    "Just about on par with this verbal nonsense, is the latest offering from Lynne Owens...the cretin who inexplicably landed the £250,000+ job as Director General of the National Crime Agency."

    Ugh! Don't get me started on her. Cut from the same cloth as Lin Homer, of UKBA and HMRC infamy..

    "And yet they wonder why people steer clear of such places!"

    It could be gentrified like the Bronx, or Brixton. But not, unfortunately, yet.

    "Well worth listening to him."

    I thought so. Sadly, most white liberals probably fainted about 20 seconds in.
