Wednesday 28 September 2016

'Simple And Honest'...

Rafique Muhammed, 59, “lost everything” when flames ripped through the car storage yard in Norbury Crescent earlier this month, despite nearly 50 firefighters battling for more than three hours to control the inferno.
Oh dear!
A total of five vehicles, including Mr Muhammed’s caravan, were incinerated in the fire, which also destroyed a nearby railway embankment and forced the evacuation of more than 40 people from their homes.
Well, never mind, I'm sure his business insurance will pay up.

Wait. What?
The mechanic had only recently purchased the caravan, after doctors warned him that three years of living in his car repair workshop had damaged his health.
Now Mr Muhammed has been forced back to sleeping on the workshop floor and, after losing at least £500 cash in the fire, friends struggle to see how the “simple and honest” mechanic can go on.
Anis Thohan said: “We don’t know how he can survive. It’s a small business, and he has not any family here.
“This old man is alone and single. He’s very honest and I don’t know what he should do.”
So, probably not too much hope for the business insurance then?
Mr Muhammed, who is from Pakistan and speaks limited English...
According to Croydon Council, government legislation means that the authority cannot offer Mr Muhammed accommodation because he has a home in Pakistan.
*bangs head on desk*
Mr Thohan pleaded for someone to intervene. He said: “He went to the council and they said they haven’t got any property for him. He’s very simple and very honest.
“He’s lost everything.”
Well, no, he's got you helping him construct his sob story! Why don't you take him in? Because I'm not going to!


  1. It does appear that the "high-ups" in this country are turning us into the dole office for the turd world. We are the employment exchange, the health care provider, charities advertise on TV begging us to help little girls in sub-Saharan Africa forced into marriage so we are the moral Crusaders to the world. Just how hubristic can these bastards be to think that the can change the world? Where does it all end?

  2. Is it legal to live in a caravan is a .... um .... "car storage yard"? Or to live in the workshop? Or to run a business apparently un-insured? I wonder what the site had permission for? Is this a residential area? Pictures show a quantity of 50 gallon drums. Storing dangerous liquids? I wonder what the 40 people who were evacuated feel about it? So many questions.

  3. Sorry, but I was laughing all the way through that. Was I supposed to?

  4. "Just how hubristic can these bastards be to think that the can change the world? "

    Why should they care? It's never their money!

    "Pictures show a quantity of 50 gallon drums. Storing dangerous liquids?"

    You do indeed begin to wonder why H&S didn't take a keen interest, don't you?

    "Sorry, but I was laughing all the way through that. Was I supposed to?"

