Sunday 4 December 2016

I Don't Think You Need To Worry....

...I've seen polar bears with less body fat. You'll be fine.

Might want to reconsider the off-the-shoulder jumper for your four days 'in the freezer', though...


  1. It looks dark outside their window, so they must have electricity for the lights to be on. I've heard there are these magical devices which plug in to strange holes in the wall and produce warm air. Perhaps we could have a whip-around and buy them one?

  2. I spent my first thirty years in this world without central heating. How on earth did I survive? Four days? Pssshh! Get some in. As for hot water, try boiling a kettle.

  3. The first central heating I enjoyed was a former Wehrmacht Barracks in Germany.

  4. Kin, WPC Jaded?

  5. I can remember when it was winter and we didn't have money to buy coal or for the leccy. So, my Dad used to suck an extra strong mint and we'd all sit round his tongue. These wimps on benefits have never had it so good.

  6. When I grew up in a Council house in Bilborough in Nottingham in the early to mid Fifties, I used to love looking at the patterns that the frost made on the INSIDE of the windows during winter.
    No double glazing (it was unheard of), one fireplace in the living room, coal-burning of course, and Dad's great-coat on the bed to supplement the blankets.
    Then it was a walk to school (Glenbrook) wearing shorts! Sounds like a Monty Python sketch, but it was Oh-so-real.

  7. Winter is god's way of telling us to burn more Muslims/Catholics/Hindus/Jains/JWs/ Buddhists/all of the above.

  8. We could only dream of sitting by an 'ot tongue, Penise. We used to live under a tarpolin in't road lad, and to keep warm we used to rub ar sens wi' salt from t' gritters.

  9. @MTG

    Luxury, Bl88dy luxury!

  10. 'Ot Tongue?
    Luxury, bl**dy luxury!....

  11. My apologies, Juliet 1946. I shouldn't boast about the good times.

  12. "Perhaps we could have a whip-around and buy them one?"

    I've a better idea - one of those electricity producing static bikes. Kill two birds with one stone!

    "I spent my first thirty years in this world without central heating."

    Ditto! I can remember Christmases at my grandparents where you could chip ice off the bedroom window. From the inside! Just as Selsey Steve describes. A real coal fire that you had to get started each morning... *reminisce*

    "So, my Dad used to suck an extra strong mint and we'd all sit round his tongue."


    "Sounds like a Monty Python sketch, but it was Oh-so-real."

    Tru dat!

    "Beautiful kids, though."

    So many of them....
