Saturday 17 December 2016

It's A Dirty Job, But If Someone Wants To Do It..?

A controversial scheme allowing deer-hunting at Epping Forest has been axed after claims from critics that they saw animals being “disembowelled”.
Well, you can't cook them unless you do...
Campaigners wrote: “There have been reported incidents of people witnessing deer being disembowelled and of hunters being off the designated land.
“People have reported to have seen hunters with obviously visible weapons on display.”
Ooooh, matron!
We do not approve of any hunting for sport and demand that this contract is reviewed with immediate effect.”
I do not approve of people who don't like a sport demanding that everyone else stops. Where can I demand you get 'reviewed'..?
A spokesman for the corporation said: “We have terminated the contract with Capreolus Club for the management of the deer population on the Epping Forest Buffer Lands.
“We have listened to the views of our visitors and we have taken this decision to reflect recent public concern.
“The Epping Forest Committee will now investigate options and decide on an alternative way forward for sustainable deer population control on the Epping Forest Buffer Lands.
“A decision will be made in the best interests of both the ecology of the area and its visitors. Until a suitable replacement can be found, the deer population will be managed by our fully qualified forest keepers.
Who will use invisible guns and let the meat spoil, I suppose..?


  1. I hope Moonbat writes about this. He has been forthright about distinguishing ecology from sentimentality. I can't see this idea being accepted in Snaresbrook, though:

    "One study suggests that our woodland ecology cannot recover unless half the country’s deer are culled every year. Lynx could do it for nothing."

    The footnote at the Graun is interesting; it suggests that as Monbiot had a connection to the charity Trees for Life, his view of deer as munchers of seedlings might be pre-conditioned. But the re-wilding of Epping Forest has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think? Boar, otters, eagles, wolves, bears...

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats17 December 2016 at 14:56

    So what do the snowflakes suggest? That a huge chunk of the over-populated deer end up starving to death instead?

  3. ""

    "But the re-wilding of Epping Forest has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think? Boar, otters, eagles, wolves, bears..."

    The chavs on the bordering council estates would eat them all...

    "So what do the snowflakes suggest? That a huge chunk of the over-populated deer end up starving to death instead?"

    We should give them a deer each. It'll be ok in the living room, right?
