Monday 16 January 2017

Errr, Hold On A Mo...

A woman wearing a hijab claims she was racially abused by a thug who spat in her face at a west London chip shop.
Oh, really? Can we see the CCTV?

What, there's none..?
The 46-year-old Government researcher and anti-racism capaigner...
*rolls eyes*
Ms Ashraf, who is part of the organisation Stand Up To Racism, had been visiting the capital from her Manchester home and said the abuse in a multicultural area like London left her horrified.
The poor wee lamb. Can she shoehorn Brexit in here somehow?

Reader, she can...
There was a spike in hate crime in the capital following the Brexit vote (Ed: no, there was a spike in reports of this...), but Ms Ashraf said the problems stemmed from hysteria over the hijab and people blaming social problems like austerity on minority groups.
I don’t think people overnight became racist in this country,” she said.
“When you look at the figures, it’s more Muslim women rather than Muslim men that are being attacked.
“In any other culture it wouldn’t be acceptable to talk about a woman’s dress – it’s their choice.
But for Muslim women it’s open season. It’s just shocking.”
It is indeed their choice. Or so we are always told.
Police confirmed they were treating the incident, which took place on January 6 at around 9.30pm, as a racially-aggravated hate crime.
Well, that's a very broad definition these days, catching all sorts of people.

But I'm sure they'll soon apprehend this pasty-white, tattooed, Union Flag T-shirt wearing, UKIP voting thug, won't they?
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “Officers attended but the suspect had already fled the scene, in the direction of Hammersmith Underground Station.
“The suspect is described as a male of Arab appearance, aged in his 30s, about 5ft 9ins tall, with facial hair, balding head and a non-British accent.”


  1. Maybe her assailant thought she should veil her face with a niqab as well because more Islam, which makes this a doctrinal dispute between ropers.

  2. Julia, you did well merely to blink. Truly, a strong woman.

    Interesting that they used "of Arab appearance" rather than the usual euphemism "Asian".

  3. Perhaps she was out and about without her husband/father/guardian/owner. Pick any two.

  4. This Arab needs to be told that London is not a ‘multicultural area’. It is the capital city of England. d

  5. She went from Manchester to London and hung out in a chip shop?

  6. She wrote a piece on it in the Socialist Worker (she is a former Respect candidate and member of the STWC). The SW piece didn't mention the appearance of the attacker AT ALL, merely describing the attack as "racist".

  7. Lynne at Counting Cats21 January 2017 at 22:43

    Waaaycist attack? Should have gone to Specsavers...

  8. "...which makes this a doctrinal dispute between ropers."

    If it ever happened at all...

    "Interesting that they used "of Arab appearance" rather than the usual euphemism "Asian""

    Indeed so. That's the first time I can recall seeing this description, too. What does it even mean? He had a camel and a scimitar in his belt?

    "She went from Manchester to London and hung out in a chip shop?"

    It's a non-stop tour of all the big metropolis has to offer on a SW Awayday, clearly!
