Saturday 21 January 2017

Hey, At Least They Are Just Asking...

...this time. How long before they demand instead...?

Once upon a time, of course, this would immediately become the story. The agents of the State attempting to silence a fearless warrior of the Fourth Estate. How very dare they!? Let a thousand headlines bloom!

But I guess the reason it didn't get any traction is because all eyes were on the Trump Inauguration. Yes. That must be it. After all, this is just another 'mental health incident'....

Nothing to see here, move along. And put that cameraphone down, citizen!


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats21 January 2017 at 21:54

    It's not just the Islamofascists that are mentally ill it seems.

  2. No, indeed, it seems the real danger are their enablers.
