Sunday 8 January 2017

I Wonder What Calibre Is Recommended...

...for an oyster? And is it stand hunted, driven, or stalk and shoot?


  1. You use a lure. You tell them that they can come on a little walk along the beach for a treat. Then, after you have coaxed them about a mile so that they cannot run back, you get busy with the bread, butter, and vinegar.

  2. But how did she use her father to kill a stag?

  3. I usually get my Oysters from Aldi.

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats8 January 2017 at 21:22

    This would be the same Louise Gray, DT enviroloon journo, who worhsips at the altar of Climate Catastrophe, wthinks the planet will melt because of cow farts and meat simply isn't green and planet saving so don't eat it?

  5. "You use a lure. You tell them that they can come on a little walk along the beach for a treat. "

    Heh! Nice one!

    "I usually get my Oysters from Aldi."

    I can understand the popularity of these German interlopers having popped into one at Christmas.

    "This would be the same Louise Gray, DT enviroloon journo, who worhsips at the altar of Climate Catastrophe..."

    Is she, by George? That puts a new wrinkle on things...
