Thursday 12 January 2017

It Depends On What You Mean By 'Local People'...

Frustrated residents claim Croydon Council will push through its large-scale building plans for the borough.
Of course it will. Did you really think the 'consultation' was a two-way process?
During the consultations between the contracted property developer Brick by Brick and locals, only nine per cent were supportive of the proposals on June 29.
Things got worse after a second round of consultations on August 17 when three per cent of those questioned said they backed the plans.
Wouldn't matter if the number was 'zero'. Your 'elected representatives' are in favour. So it'll happen.
Cllr Newman said: "Brick by Brick is a fantastic scheme that takes control of house-building in Croydon and will provide much needed affordable homes for local people.
"There is a housing shortage across the country, but Croydon residents deserve more than being homeless or stuck in temporary accommodation long term because they are unable to afford to rent or buy.
"It’s sad to think this Christmas there will still be families in Croydon who are without a permanent roof over their heads.
"We as a council are committed to supporting those in need in our borough by making sure we continue to do all that’s within our power to provide affordable homes for local people."
You keep using those terms, 'local people', 'Croydon families'. But what do you really mean?
Healthwatch is calling for a more integrated approach by Croydon Council, NHS providers and local charities to support asylum seekers and refugees arriving in the borough.
Ah. Thought so.


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats12 January 2017 at 17:19

    Maybe because Croydon is secretly twinned with Aleppo and Mosul?

  2. A friend of mine did volunteer work with CAIR. He thought he was going to work with 'refugees', and felt very motivated by the thought of how awful it must be to have to flee your country, under persecution, and loose everything. Think he got a bit of a shock when he realised what it was really all about. The 'refugees' got everything bought for them, furniture for a rented flat, clothes, food etc. Then neatly shoehorned onto benefits. He was quite shocked at how much money was being thrown about....

  3. Heard it all before. Councils only hold a "consultation" when they've decided what's going to happen. Then there's the no-blame circle; the councillors have to take advice from their technical officers while the technical officers have to carry out the elected member' instructions. Bingo! Nobody is to blame!

  4. Don't forget those who are local. They get a "permanent roof over their heads", even though they would describe themselves as travelers. I'm confused.

  5. "Maybe because Croydon is secretly twinned with Aleppo and Mosul?"

    Maybe it could learn something from a civic visit. Say, all of the town hall staff, for a month?

    " Think he got a bit of a shock when he realised what it was really all about. "

    A salutary wake up call indeed...

    "Councils only hold a "consultation" when they've decided what's going to happen."

    Yup. Very, very rarely do they get reversed, and then, usually only by a higher court.

    " They get a "permanent roof over their heads", even though they would describe themselves as travelers. I'm confused."

    HumptyDumpty could learn a lot from the council when it comes to definitions!
