Saturday 14 January 2017

Neoteny Generation...

"The tree appeared to be stable and I think there were people walking under the tree in front of me. I decided it was probably the optimum route," she said in a statement read to court.
"I walked my dog under first and I followed. It was clearly open."
She added: "I don't recall seeing any officer on my side of the road and no-one tried to stop me from walking under the tree."
Yes, of course, it must have been the fault of the police, and never, ever the people who decided to walk under the tree....

But since they get blamed for it regardless, is it surprising when they overreact?


  1. People are inured to risk now, they have no concept of what can happen, and how destructive seemingly harmless things can be. Its the H&S bubble that we have allowed people to exist in, they now lack the critical faculties to spot obvious risks in front of them.

  2. The Police warnings would not have been carried out on their bat. You would not have had some hapless copper deciding to end his boredom by scaring the sh*t out of local residents and telling hem to abandon their homes (and miss Geordie Shores). The order would have come from someone in an office on the top floor of some building (H&S, Council, WI, etc). But, as the public face of the warnings, why not blame the Plod? It's what they are there for.

  3. The game is 'Pass the Parcel'

    From the Fail's report

    "Deputy Chief Constable Matthew Horne defended the warnings to residents, saying they were grounded in science and advice from the Environment Agency (EA) and the Met Office."

    In other news ..... The Met Office demands an extra £100million to buy a new supercomputer. They can't promise it'll be programmed any more accurately than the last supercomputer taxpayers funded, but the reassure the inaccurate forecasts can be produced much more rapidly. 😀

  4. @Sobers
    "People are inured to risk now, they have no concept of what can happen, and how destructive seemingly harmless things can be. Its the H&S bubble that we have allowed people to exist in, they now lack the critical faculties to spot obvious risks in front of them."

    The problem is the Gov't listening to the whiners, eradicate risk campaigners, not my fault - sue you leftmob and enacting laws to appease them.

    Result: Darwinian human evolution has stopped and the individuals who should have died due their stupidity survive and breed.


  5. "People are inured to risk now, they have no concept of what can happen.."

    I think it's more that they believe that others are there to prevent anything from harming them. Stupid AND irresponsible...

    "The order would have come from someone in an office on the top floor of some building (H&S, Council, WI, etc). "

    At a 'multi-functional strategy meeting' at which the top brass of the local force would have been present.

    "They can't promise it'll be programmed any more accurately than the last supercomputer taxpayers funded, but the reassure the inaccurate forecasts can be produced much more rapidly. 😀"

    That's computers for you! They don't make a mistake - they make billions per second!

    "Result: Darwinian human evolution has stopped and the individuals who should have died due their stupidity survive and breed."

    Spot on!

  6. "At a multi-functional strategy meeting ........". That may be true but it would be to give details of Police action rather than making a decision on evicting Jeremy Kyle viewers. Been there, done that. That decision will be made by others.

  7. "..evicting Jeremy Kyle viewers.."

    Not sure the police can actually insist on evacuation, can they?
