Tuesday 10 January 2017

Of Course She Knows, We All Know!

A serial fraudster who tricked men on dating websites into sending her thousands of pounds for luxury goods and holidays was...
Ooooh, lemmie guess!
...spared jail.
Neelam Desai conned her victims into handing over £56,000 in an online dating scam by pretending to be raising money for homeless children.
The 36-year-old hoodwinked three victims into believing she was a pharmacist, that she did charity work and was able to sell cheap holidays and Apple products.
Hang on! Doesn't that name....ring a bell?
Judge Charles said: "Those offences were committed over a period between December 12 and April 14.
"This case is so serious that only a custody sentence can be justified and the only sentence in this case is one of two years.
"It will be two years imprisonment suspended for two years.
"You will also do 120 community work. (sic)
"If you breach my order you will be coming back to this court and you will go straight to prison."
Yeah, yeah...
Susan Meek, representing Desai, said: "The bottom line is she committed fraud against three men and took money from them and she has to be prosecuted for that.
"Whether she needs to be returned to prison or not is something your honour has to decide.
"Since her release in April 2015 it has been very difficult for her and in many respects it will simply be poor punishment for her, she knows she has been a fraudster.
"She went off the rails when her father died and she met a man and got married and committed the fraud for him.
"She has not offended since she was released.
"She is working and willing to pay compensation orders, she fully admits we guilt (sic).
"She had a bag, she can go back to prison and wants me to beg you not to do that."
What does it take...?


  1. Race & religion card trumps all.

  2. Where those real quotes of the defence representative? Let's give up the ghost and move to Chennai hill stations where proper Queen's English is spoken.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats11 January 2017 at 20:05

    I'm assuming this is the same Neelam Desai who was involved in the fake passport and docs for illegal immigrants scam. Why the hell wasn't she deported upon leaving clink? And when they say she has no money does this mean the fraud squad finally found the hundreds of thousands she and her cohorts salted away abroad in their fake passport scam?

  4. "Where those real quotes of the defence representative?"

    I suspect the court reporter lacks the imagination necessary to embellish, so yes. Depressing, eh?

    "Why the hell wasn't she deported upon leaving clink?"

    I have my suspicions...
