Wednesday 18 January 2017

Pet Owner Of The Year!

A dog owner whose pet staffie bit him during a stand-off with police has been allowed to keep the animal.
I bet the police are delighted!

How did this all start?
James Armstrong-Holmes, prosecuting, said the large white dog, which was not on a lead, became agitated and started barking when it saw the police.
Kelly said he didn't have a lead and then became agitated himself raising his arms and shouting "You're not touching my dog. Shoot me".
Kelly continued to be aggressive and was holding the dog back as it reared up on its hind legs. Mr Armstrong-Holmes said officers tried to calm the defendant and a dog lead and a muzzle were thrown to him.
Kelly managed to put the muzzle onto the dog but then police drew their tasers because of the level of aggression being shown by Kelly.
The prosecutor said "The dog muzzle came off and the dog bit hard into the defendant's right leg and wouldn't let go. It then bit his right hand before the defendant managed to get the muzzle back on."
Jeez! If only the cops wore bodycam, this would be one for 'You've Been Framed'..!
Kelly ,35, of Nettleton House. Thurlby Crescent, Ermine East, Lincoln, admitted being the owner of a dog dangerously out of control as a result of the incident in Keats Close on 9 March 2014. He was fined £750 and the dog was given a conditional destruction order which means it has to be kept on a lead and have a muzzle on when out in public.
The court was told that Kelly originally also faced charges following the incident in which Joanne McCord and a second woman were bitten at Greetwell Quarry but those matters were not pursued after police received witness statements confirming that the animal in the earlier incident was not Kelly's dog.
That dog has never been traced.
Curiouser and curiouser...
Michael Cranmer-Brown, in mitigation, said that Kelly had been to the quarry earlier in the evening where he smoked cannabis and drank wine with Ms McCord and another friend until the incident which resulted in Ms McCord being badly injured.
He said Kelly found himself confronted by armed police with a police helicopter circling overhead as he headed for Keats Close.
"Mr Kelly accepts that he did not cover himself in glory. He had just gone through the unpleasantness of seeing his partner injured and the next thing he is surrounded by armed police. He regrets his behaviour. He was behaving badly and the dog got caught up in it. As a consequence of his behaviour his dog was taken from him."
Even the usual excuses can't save the day here, can they?

Reader, they apparently can:
Mr Cranmer-Brown said a veterinary expert who examined the dog concluded the it is not dangerous (sic).
He said Kelly wants to be reunited with his dog and now intends to move to Wales to be reunited with Ms McCord.


  1. "reunited with his dog" as before I do hope so...............

  2. The dog muzzle came off and the dog bit hard into the defendant's right leg and wouldn't let go. It then bit his right hand before the defendant managed to get the muzzle back on."

    And then they fined him £750 schnoots for being bitten.

    hahahahahahahahah and breathe.... hahahahahah

    It would have been a full bingo card if the Police had accidentally tasered him whilst attempting to taser the dog.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats21 January 2017 at 22:14

    I wonder if the mutt has now developed a healthy taste for owner and owner girlfriend flesh?

  4. "It would have been a full bingo card if the Police had accidentally tasered him whilst attempting to taser the dog."


    "I wonder if the mutt has now developed a healthy taste for owner and owner girlfriend flesh?"

    I suspect we'll be hearing about this chap or his four-legged fiend in the future...
