Monday 9 January 2017

"We Want It Handed To Us On A Plate..."

Surrey Police has said it is not investigating unless a name and address of the dog owner is provided, Mr Walker said.
You have pictures, FFS!

Maybe Mr Walker should have had a horse instead? Or perhaps lived in Kent, where it seems the police there do understand what their role is supposed to be...
He added: “It’s very dangerous. If it has been a child, a child could have been badly hurt and her [the owner] behaviour seems to be outside the parameters of normal human behaviour. She didn’t apologise and was utterly indifferent.
“If anything, she was relaxed, even amused at Truffle’s agony – his howling and shaking. At the time, I assumed her apparent amusement was a perverse reaction to what had happened, that she was shocked. Looking back, I’m not so sure.”
The owners of these creatures are often criminal scum - wouldn't it be terribly sad if the police called at her house one day and were bitten...?
Mr Walker wants to warn other dog walkers in the area to be careful, and says he has heard of similar attacks occurring there.
Anyone who knows anything about the attack should contact police on 101.
What on earth for? They clearly can't be arsed to do the basics of their job.


  1. All correct of course, but I do start to loose my sympathy for people who say, 'It could have been a child'. A childs life is no more important than anyone elses.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats9 January 2017 at 14:02

    Mind you, if the attack had been on a police dog it would have been a completely different story. That mindless bitch with the uncontrolled mutt would have been tracked down and prosecuted PDQ.

    Sadly many innocent dogs are less equal than others.

  3. "...I do start to loose my sympathy for people who say, 'It could have been a child'. A childs life is no more important than anyone elses."

    It's the standard tactic to try to force action. If a dog is dangerous to other dogs, that in no way predicts it'll likely be a danger to children or adults.

    But it seems it's the only way of forcing action. So I suppose I can't really blame those that resort to it.

    "Sadly many innocent dogs are less equal than others."

    Like guide dogs? Although, having passed the 'special category' legislation, they still seem somewhat reluctant to use it...
