Thursday 5 January 2017

When You Play The Game Of Identity Politics, You Lose, Or You Lose...

...because no matter what you do, you'll never ever win:
Mourners held a vigil for Yassar Yaqub at junction 24 of the M62 this evening, 24 hours after protesters in Bradford damaged a police car and brought a road to a standstill demonstrating against his shooting.
Why were they allowed to do this? Why do the police routinely allow the vocal criminal minority to disrupt the lives of the long-suffering majority in this way?

It makes no sense. It won't 'relieve tension' or 'calm the community', it just cements in the minds of these people that they can do what they like as they are above the law, and in the minds of the majority that the police are afraid to act against an 'identity group'.

It emboldens the scum and pisses off those natural defenders of the police. It is the very definition of a 'lose/lose' situation.


  1. The police ignore the criminal damage to their police car so as not to upset and inflame the Muslim community. If it had been football fans or revellers outside a nightclub then heads would have been broken and arrests made. After the police's "blind eye" dealing with the Muslim grooming/rape gangs scandal etc you'd have thought lessons would have been learnt.

  2. natural defenders of the police

    Are there any left?!

  3. Yes, I cannot think of any other group that could at the drop of a hat just block a slip road and park on the M way itself, absolutely no one for what ever reason, yet once again "the community" whatever that is comes first when dealing even with the lower levels of this lot.

  4. Pcar wrote:

    "I cannot think of any other group that could at the drop of a hat just block a slip road and park on the M way itself"

    I can think of several who do this with no consequeces inc:
    Greens, No new runways, BLM, Pikeys, Anti-progress ...

  5. I notice that this shooting took place in Huddersfield-home to our blogs resident nutter. Perhaps this man was targeted by police after a spate of lawnmower thefts in the locality?

  6. This is just a small taste of things to come. The nine circles of mass immigration are warming up nicely...

  7. I can think of several who do this with no consequeces inc:
    Greens, No new runways, BLM, Pikeys, Anti-progress ...

    I fully acknowledge that I momentarily forgot to include the above, who would be triggered by the fact they were not included automatically.

  8. Go on then Julia, detail your response to this situation if you were a police officer. I want a real world response and not a fantasy one involving firearms, baton charges and water cannon. Remember, if you remove them forcibly you will lay yourself open to charges of brutality, racism and anything else that they can think off. You will get no backing from those above you, neither will you have any political top cover. The local MP doesn't appear to have said anything yet about what happened whilst other MP's in the area are about to come down on the side of the deceased (votes, kinship etc).
    Anonymous at 11..01, I suspect I might just have a bit more experience of dealing with this kind of thing than you have. Get together in a big enough mob and kick of and it is fairly difficult to deal with. Football hooligans, ravers and so on do this frequently. Police are either criticised for being 'too hard' or 'too soft'. Make your minds up please.
    As I said earlier I'm going to sit back and watch it all fall apart. Society tends to reap what it sows.

  9. "If it had been football fans or revellers outside a nightclub then heads would have been broken and arrests made."

    Spot on!

    "Are there any left?!"

    Precious few, and declining all the time...

    "This is just a small taste of things to come. "

    Every time I think it can't get any worse, they manage to surprise me.

    "Remember, if you remove them forcibly you will lay yourself open to charges of brutality, racism and anything else that they can think off. You will get no backing from those above you, neither will you have any political top cover."

    What happened to 'doing our job without fear or favour'? Are you waiting until things get so bad the Army has to come in and clear up for you?

  10. What army? That's another fantasy response. Having spoken to a few army officers they are extremely reluctant to get involved in policing type operations as they know it leads to grief. I expect those of you who think the army on the streets would be a good idea would be revising your opinion pretty quickly once you had a few encounters with them. Defence cuts have left our army hollowed out, it has a strength of below 80K now and they are not all steely eyed dealers of death, there is a lot of 'tail' to 'teeth' and the vaunted govt plans of using reservists hasn't worked too well has it? I think there are about 20k infantry soldiers now although I stand to be corrected. Spread that over the country and there's not much to go around.
    I would also like you to remember that our extremely capable police minister has said that police should be 'behind desks and not on the streets'. When the stuff eventually hits the fan the ones who threw it will be nicely distanced from the consequences of their actions.
