Tuesday 7 February 2017

Hard Not To Have Contempt For This Court...

A thug who subjected a party guest to nearly two hours of physical abuse over a stolen wrap of cocaine has been sentenced to 33 months in prison.
Carl Wood, 27, of Second Avenue, Canvey, and Joe Hannaford, 20, carried out the attack in Wood’s home on October 5, 2015, during a drug-fuelled party.
Are there any other sort on Canvey?
However, Hannaford was spared jail after a judge heard he failed his driving test moments before the hearing while Wood will be out in three months having served 13 months on remand.
While on bail, Wood was found with bank cards stolen during a burglary. He also admitted cultivating cannabis after seven plants were found in his home.
Oh, come on! That's just taking the Michael...
Richard Jones, mitigating for Hannaford, said his client had taken a driving test in the morning in a bid to “better himself” - even though it made him late for court.
Isn't that 'contempt'..?
He said: “It might be unusual for somebody to do that but perhaps it’s a good thing because it shows his motivation in life is to improve his lot and become a positive member of society.
“Sadly, he failed the test.
I rather suspect he's going to fail the 'becoming a positive member of society' too.

Mind you. weren't judges once considered that?
Judge Ian Graham said given Wood’s previous convictions for drugs and violence, a custodial sentence was “inevitable”. But because Hannaford has just one conviction as a youth, a suspended sentence was appropriate.
*rolls eyes*
He said: “You have a good working history and I’m told you are in work now and even took your driving test this morning, knowing you were coming here this afternoon.”
Which made him late. But hey, if you aren't getting a clue now, I guess you never will.

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