Wednesday 29 March 2017

The More Things Change....

The accused appeared at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court in April last year – under the name Gavin Brannen and dressed as a woman – after racking up a £27 taxi bill on a trip from Newcastle to South Shields before fleeing the vehicle.
The court heard on that occasion that he was going through gender reassignment and wanted to be known as Katie.
...the more they clearly stay the same:
The 22-year-old was back at the court yesterday, under the name of Katie Brannen, after dashing off at the end of another taxi ride from Sunderland to her home in Frederick Street, South Shields, without paying a £20 bill.
Seems to be a habit!
Laura Johnson, defending, said: “She didn’t have enough money for the taxi and has made a bad decision.
As does that...

H/T: WoaR in comments


  1. It must be hard, fleeing from a taxi when one is wearing high heels (and possibly not being used to wearing them much)

  2. Hello read your blog weekly or daily all depends on the weather lol anyway the person of non gender is up for RAPE sorry cant link but I'm sure your can lol

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats2 April 2017 at 20:16

    Sans spender reassignment?

  4. "It must be hard, fleeing from a taxi when one is wearing high heels..."

    You be amazed how easy it is to kick 'em off...!

    "...anyway the person of non gender is up for RAPE ..."

    Really? Well, well, well...

    One to watch!
