Friday 17 March 2017

"We Can Only Afford The Most Vital Services..."

Southend Council has been criticised for its plans to spend £35,000 on park gates. The money will go towards refurbishing the Priory Park gates, as part of the council’s 125th birthday celebrations of the borough.
Oh, those savage, biting council cuts..!
One gate requires fixing and the lion statues that originally sat atop each gatepost which disappeared in the late 20th Century will also be replaced.
Disappeared, eh? Maybe don't make them from valuable metal this time...
Ann Holland, councillor responsible for culture, tourism and the economy, said: “As well as celebrating 125 years of Southend, it is also 100 years for Priory Park. I really don’t think it is too much to spend, the celebrations will be a real feelgood factor for the town.
They will...?
“When we had celebrations for 100 years of the borough a lot of money went into it and it was remembered by all who were involved. It’s really a worthwhile cause.
Ah. You mean 'We councillors had a great time, the canapes were lovely!'...
“The estimated cost of the work is up to £35,000 but we will be getting quotes to make sure we get best value. We are also actively seeking sponsorship for the 125 celebrations.”
 What a wonderful opportunity for an entrepreneur, I'm sure you'll agree?


  1. They could use the money to buy the mayo new robes made from clubbed seal skins. I think they may get good quotes from Hartlepool.

  2. It will keep some metal basher busy, and hopefully the end result will last for a fair while, better that than some more diversity awareness training or executive "compensation".

  3. "I'm just waiting for Tinlin to spill the beans now that he's got his pension."

    Me too! *popcorn*

    "They could use the money to buy the mayo new robes made from clubbed seal skins. I think they may get good quotes from Hartlepool."


    "...better that than some more diversity awareness training or executive "compensation"."

