Saturday 12 August 2017

A Note For Commenters...

Please don't ask me if I know who a commenter 'really is'.

Because even if I was inclined to share that information, Blogger's software options don't work that way, I don't see those sort of details. Other blogs on different platforms may provide that level of detail, but this one doesn't.

So everyone is welcome to comment, subject to the whims of the owner (me!), but you will necessarily all remain anonymous, unless you choose otherwise.


  1. The Blocked Dwarf12 August 2017 at 09:07

    *stands up*

    My real name is 'Adi' and I am a serial commenter... I do keep trying to STOP commenting on blogs. But it's hard you know? I can go a few days, hell even a few weeks but pulls me back in. Everytime i turn off the computer I swear I won't turn it back on again..
    It has ruined my life. You think, when you start,it's harmless- a quip here and there, but soon you're addicted. I've even commented on blogs when sitting on the toilet- how low is that?

  2. Please don't ask me if I know who a commenter 'really is'.

    Can we assume there are no prizes for correctly guessing the identity of the weary filth placing the blog under surveillance or playing sleuth, Julia?

  3. One wanders as to what prompted this particular post.

    Asking for a friend...

  4. Robert the Biker12 August 2017 at 20:47

    *Stands up next to the Dwarf*
    Im Robert the Biker because my names Robert, I have two Harleys and I've been riding constantly since 1969; yes I am a grumpy old git :P

  5. Wordpress does give information relating to IP address and email address but not much more. That said, I would flatly refuse anyway.

  6. "That said, I would flatly refuse anyway."

    Stay flexible, Longrider. You could always change your mind after WC Jaded had explained plod requirements with her new repeating Taser.

  7. Without a court order, the response would still be "no".

  8. Without a court order, the response would still be "no".

    Which is the correct way to do it.

  9. "I've even commented on blogs when sitting on the toilet- how low is that?"

    *scrubs monitor with bleach*

    "That said, I would flatly refuse anyway."

    Me too, even if I had the capacity!
