Wednesday 16 August 2017

A Reaction That Judges Should Get Used To...

Addressing Battle, who appeared via videolink, Judge Ian Graham said: “You have a long, long criminal record, including offences of violence.”
He handed him a 16 month prison term.
At that point, Battle blew a loud raspberry. He then made V-gestures with both hands before making another gesture in front of the camera and walking off.
...because pretty soon, that'll be the reaction of even the most law-abiding of us.


  1. Pretty soon? Try to keep up, Julia.

  2. The Blocked Dwarf16 August 2017 at 14:20

    "At that point, Battle blew a loud raspberry. He then made V-gestures with both hands before making another gesture"

    at that point the Judge awarded Battle some more time to reflect on the meaning of the words 'Contempt "in the face of the court"' by any chance?

  3. @BD

    If only:- it's only because the scum of this world get away with their scummery that it continues at an ever-increasing rate.

  4. Battle treated the court with contempt because he knew that he would get 50% of that sentence knocked off "for good behaviour" as soon as the prison van rolls through the gates of HMP Club Med. Added to that will he constant monitoring by (publicly funded) sociologists with degrees from Che Guevara university who will consider Battle a victim of the inequalities of society and suggest he be released after 3 months. Set your alarm now.

  5. " any chance?"

    Apparently not! Which is a surprise. They are usually very precious about their own territory & dignity.

    "Set your alarm now."

