Tuesday 15 August 2017

Ah, Southend's Vibrant Night Life!

Kier Godfree, 26, fractured a pool player’s nose - causing permanent scaring - during a large-scale affray at the Borough Hotel, in Marine Parade, Southend.
Mykee Bowers, 23, punched a young woman in the face - leaving her with two black eyes, a split lip and nerve damage to her cheek.
Otherwise known as 'a typical Southend evening's entertainment' in certain areas.
Charlotte Davison, prosecuting, said the incident started after Bowers, of Weaverdale, Shoebury, got into an argument with the man.
She said pub staff described Bowers as “extremely agitated” and “aggressive.”
A staff member initially defused the situation but Bowers “rushed past him and started swinging punches.”
The court was played CCTV footage of the incident, which showed a huge brawl involving several men.
Dreadlocked Godfree, of Mendip Crescent, Westcliff, then got involved. The father-of-three, who promotes reggae nights in bars and clubs in the town, approached the pool table and shouted: “Who punched my brother?”
In a totally unprovoked attack, Godfree then punched Jason Matthews.
They are said to work as bouncers. Nothing like taking your work home with you, is there?
The court heard Bowers has three convictions for four offences - mostly for violent and public order offences.
Godfree has eight convictions for ten offences, including an actual bodily harm charge from 2009.
Nice people. Just the sort you'd hire to prevent trouble, right?
Nick Jones, mitigating, said both men regretted the incident and admitted their guilt at the earliest opportunity.
Well, with all the CCTV, it's not like they could really do much else, is it?
Judge Ian Graham said the brawl was a “substantial incident of disorder in a public house.” Each man received a nine month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. Godfree was ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work and Bowers 120 hours.


  1. '... causing permanent scaring ...' Such speling

  2. How do they get a bouncers license if they have convictions for violent disorder?
    I thought that would have disqualified them.

  3. Lucky for them they didn't post rude comments on social media: that would have ensured lengthy incarceration.

  4. "Such speling"

    To be expected these days.... :/

    "How do they get a bouncers license if they have convictions for violent disorder?"

    You're assuming they 'work' in clubs that care about such things!

    "Lucky for them they didn't post rude comments on social media: that would have ensured lengthy incarceration."

    At the very least!
