Sunday 20 August 2017

"Hey, Ever Read This Book, Or Watched This Film?"

"'Tarka The...' Errr, no?"

"Never mind, you can do the obit anyway..!"


  1. Thanks for the pointer; the article links up many things I am interested in, but I am unclear as to what is wrong with it?

  2. The Blocked Dwarf20 August 2017 at 17:36

    I think there was a law back when I was growing up that BBC2 had to show that film or Ring of Bright Water every other month on the third Sunday of said month? Ease us gradually into the bare knuckle ride that was Songs of Praise and toast toppers for 'tea' infront of the fire.

  3. @WoaR: Tarka is a dog otter. ;)

  4. Ah yes. They must read you - they've corrected it now.

    If you are interested in Tarka, then this pair of links may be of interest:

    Peter Talbot was the otter handler who had the specific job of raising Spade. He gives a gossipy and intriguing account of the characters at the Otter Trust, and the techniques Cobham developed to get the pictures.

    There is also an archive film of the project:
