Thursday 3 August 2017

I Think They Are Beyond Education, Frankly....

A victim of violent crime has helped set up a crowdfunding campaign to create a permanent tribute to knife crime victims in London.
Abdulrahman Musa-Johnson has joined other Southwark residents who are hoping to construct the Southwark Peace Garden, which they describe as a ‘bold, symbolic statement of the community’s commitment to action.’
Well, plays & candles have been tried with no effect, so why not?
...Mr Musa-Johnson describes how, after being set upon in an alleyway, he discovered his attackers were neighbours and decided something needed to be done to educate the young people in the area.
Educate them to do what, not shit on their own doorstep? Good luck with that...


  1. The Blocked Dwarf3 August 2017 at 11:30

    " Educate them to do what, not shit on their own doorstep?"

    Educate them to let their Staffies shit in the Garden not on their own doorstep ?

    I am wondering if the 'clue' to the real idea behind the 'peace' Garden is that the Royal College Of Physicians is donating from it's collection of medicinal plants....Yo' feelin me blood?

  2. Something must be done immediately, immediately, harrumph! The government must establish a charity with responsible trustees and funds to rival the likes of Lloyd’s Register Foundation. But who among us would have the trust of the Capital's citizens, I hear you say? Could we possibly tempt the likes of Camila Batmanghelidjh to take the reins of this crusade? In the meantime, London needs surgeons, blood banks and a new Royal Knife Hospital.

  3. A dose of deportation will sort this.

  4. It's not surprising that we're at this point. What with cuts in essential services, unlimited immigration from countries which excel in not assimilating and a distinct lack of accountability from our wonderful leaders, is it any wonder? The only astonishing thing is that the special little snowflakes think they can cure this malaise with something so simple as a garden.

    God help us all.


  5. The Blocked Dwarf3 August 2017 at 16:47

    "something so simple as a garden."-Oi doth your garden grow?
    With coke and Bells® and shotgun shells
    and mary jane plants in row-o-o

  6. This garden is a wonderful idea. The RCP is certain to have some lovely Atropa Belladonna, Nerium Oleander and Water Hemlock plants they can donate.

  7. If only someone could invent a pocketable device that could slay a knife-weilding mugger at a distance.

  8. On the plus side, if we need an area to train battlefield doctors, who need plenty of opportunity to look at stabbings, slashings and gunshot wounds, we know where to send them.

  9. 'a permanent tribute to knife crime victims’

    How about a stone crest with crossed blades and golliwogs rampant.

  10. "I am wondering if the 'clue' to the real idea behind the 'peace' Garden is that the Royal College Of Physicians is donating from it's collection of medicinal plants....Yo' feelin me blood?"


    " doth your garden grow?
    With coke and Bells® and shotgun shells
    and mary jane plants in row-o-o"

    Now that's more like it!

    "The RCP is certain to have some lovely Atropa Belladonna, Nerium Oleander and Water Hemlock plants they can donate."

    And fungi presents all sort of options.. ;)

    "On the plus side, if we need an area to train battlefield doctors, who need plenty of opportunity to look at stabbings, slashings and gunshot wounds, we know where to send them."

    They must all be experts by now!

    "How about a stone crest with crossed blades and golliwogs rampant."

