Monday 21 August 2017

Just What Southend Needs – Yet Another Bar & Restaurant!

A proposal has been submitted to replace independent department store Ravens on Clifftown Road, Southend, with a bar and restaurant.
The applicant, SKArchitects, located in London Road, Westcliff, proposed to convert the property from into an eatery.
Oh, praise the lord! Now there'll be somewhere to grab a bite to eat in Southend!

We're saved from starvation!
The proposal was welcomed by Southend councillors who believed a bar and restaurant could drive business and more footfall to the borough.
Have the other 30-40 bars, restaurants and cafes not done that then?


  1. Reminds me of a certain town I used to live in, some years ago, down on the south coast. Most of the town centre was taken up with pubs. The only thing the town planners seemed to be interested in was building more, citing the growing student population as a good enough reason. And then they wondered why they suddenly had a problem with drinking...


  2. Pubs are now dying on their feet. But we mustn't mention the smoking ban!
