Thursday 31 August 2017

Post Of The Month

Flaxon Saxon has work issues, and Blocked Dwarf takes a trip to Harling...


  1. (this is The Blocked Dwarf btw) Jools, I know my forte is lame puns, uninformed comments and weak quips -and a total lack of grammar- but this is meant seriously; I feel genuinely honoured to have had a post of mine ranked up there with such Mages Of The Blogosphere such as Legiron, Saxon,Anna Raccoon and the other previous winners. I'm also slightly amazed anyone read it , let alone thought it worth the reading. Thank you.

  2. 'I'm also slightly amazed anyone read it, let alone thought it worth the reading.'

    Many thanks for the advice.

  3. Thanks for the commendation. Much appreciated by the golden haired one.

  4. ""... I feel genuinely honoured to have had a post of mine ranked up there with such Mages Of The Blogosphere such as Legiron, Saxon,Anna Raccoon and the other previous winners....

    On the shoulders of giants, indeed! Keep up the blogging ;)
