Monday 7 August 2017


I've always wondered what it took to get you a Twitter 'soft ban', and now I know:

I'd always thought it took swearing, or persistent harassment, or libel, or breaching a court order. Turns out it's none of those things. 

It's upsetting a SJW with the truth about Rashan Charles, the idiot who choked on what turned out to be fake drugs.

But when you have a blog as well as a Twitter account, there's no silencing you...


  1. Long may you continue my good friend.

    I'm currently making a nuisance of myself in NZ against SJW's, snowflakes and the hard of thinking (both left and right). It's a fight worth the effort.

  2. You clearly have a bigoted view of the death and the possibility of a plod choke hold amounting to a criminal offence such as manslaughter, would be unimaginable. Be grateful for a very light let-off from Twitter.

  3. We need to find new media. Censorship is being implemented by the left. It's terrifying.

  4. Captain Obvious here, just pointing out that Twitter can't even claim to be clamping down on extremism in this case. It's the followers of the Cult of St Rash the Martyr who have been fomenting violence. The rest of us are just mocking these idiots.

    Bottom line: allowing lunatics to rant about phoney-baloney 'murders' while silencing their critics is a funny way to fight inflammatory rhetoric.

  5. Good for you. Count it as battle honours.

  6. Melvin's blind hatred of the police is so strong he'd happily defend drug-dealing scum to be on the opposite side of the argument. Well done.

  7. I wager that blind hatred is an emotion with which you are better acquainted, WC Jaded. For my own sake, I would not permit myself to hate anything or anyone. As the 'educatid' individual you purport to be, you can see beyond the raw emotions of 'loving' or 'hating'? Well, perhaps not. For your 'intillectual' instruction, I regard Mr Plod as an expensive joke on the taxpayer at best, and a murderous criminal at worst.

  8. "But when you have a blog as well as a Twitter account, there's no silencing you..." Maybe if you use paid hosting. "True News USA" has been closed by Blogger(Google), "Stop The Invasion Of Oregon" and "South Africa Sucks" by Wordpress.

  9. "It's a fight worth the effort."

    Indeed so! Never more than today.

    "...and the possibility of a plod choke hold ..."

    They can choke as many of these little hood rats as they want.

    "We need to find new media. Censorship is being implemented by the left."

    It's ALWAYS the Left. Yet they claim to fear it from the Right.

    "...a funny way to fight inflammatory rhetoric. "

    They want their London Riots 2.0 and they will do anything to get them.

    "Count it as battle honours."

    Oh, I do!

  10. "Maybe if you use paid hosting. "True News USA" has been closed by Blogger(Google), "Stop The Invasion Of Oregon" and "South Africa Sucks" by Wordpress."

    I think alternatives will soon spring up. The giants' days may be numbered...
