Thursday 14 September 2017

Why Are Some People Untouchable?

Police have been investigating the incident, which happened on August 7, to establish what happened and have since decided to put the animal down.
The investigation into the attack was undertaken in relation to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and whether the dog was dangerously out of control.
The decision was then taken to not seek a more severe punishment for the dog owner.
Really? And why not?
A spokesman for Humberside Police said: “After seeking guidance from the CPS and after consultation with the victim’s parents the dog, an Akita/American bulldog cross, is to be destroyed after it was surrendered by the dog’s owner.
“The owner will also be cautioned for being the owner of a dog that was dangerously out of control and went on to injure a person.”
Why is he protected from the very law written to allow the police to act? Nor is it confined to dogs:
Nottingham Police confirmed that the incident had been reported to them.
A Nottingham Police spokesman said: 'We were called at about 1.50pm on August 16 to a report of a collision between a car and a horse.
'It happened on Bank Hill, Woodborough, no-one suffered any injuries but the horse required a vet. No arrests have been made.'
You'd think someone driving dangerously would attract police attention. But no.


  1. I'm struggling to see any link between a dog bite in Hull and a collision in Nottingham. In the first case the CPS decided not to prosecute, I would imagine the fact the family did not want to go through a court case may have swayed their decision. FYI if a prosecution was commenced and the witnesses did not give evidence then the case will in all likelihood be dismissed, a caution means the offence is on record.
    In the second case we only have a classic Daily Mail 'sadface' picture and a story from one point of view. There is nothing from the driver of the car, he will probably have a different version of what happened. If there are no other witnesses available it comes down to 'he said/she said' and a court would be unlikely to convict of any offence and the CPS would not run a prosecution.

  2. "I'm struggling to see any link between a dog bite in Hull and a collision in Nottingham."

    Not a detective, were you?
