Thursday 5 October 2017

That Moment When....

Pop star Florence Welch has scolded the Conservatives for using her music after her version of You Got The Love was played at the party's conference in Manchester.
The lead singer of Florence And The Machine said she did not approve the use of the song and would not have permitted it if asked.'re so determined to virtuesignal and get your name in the papers, you forget it wasn't even 'your music' to begin with!
The song is a cover of a 1986 single by Candi Stanton (sic).

Maybe there's a message here: the original is always, without exception, a better choice.


  1. Florence Welch (who she?) didn't write the words or the music, or do the arrangement. All she did was a karaoke version, which was inferior to the original. Perhaps she should go back behind the perfume counter at Boots and be grateful she's got a job.
