Sunday 15 October 2017

"Where Do Social Justice Warriors Come From, Daddy?"

"From adverts in the local paper, sweetie."


  1. ""Where Do Social Justice Warriors Come From, Daddy?""

    Dear sweet (not in a misogynistic sense) Person-of-unspecified-age-formerly-known-as-a-'child', if it doesn't trigger a negative emotional response in you might I request you desist using the antiquated, offensively gender orientated diminutive to address me? By referring to me as 'daddy' you are de-empowering yourself, falling into a White Repressive Thought Process. Now what was the question again?

  2. To translate what Jack said:

    Doubleplus woke postfetus crimestop hatespeech.

  3. Frightening that some people actually think like this. God help us all...


  4. "Frightening that some people actually think like this."

    I wonder how many people apply?
