Wednesday 20 December 2017

'Getting Your Life Back Together' - Yr Doin' It Wrong...

He was unemployed and known to Pavilions, a substance misuse service, since November last year. He was trying to overcome his issues with ketamine.
In court, his father Mark, 59, said: “He was trying so hard to get his life back together.”
By taking ketamine, Diazepam, cocaine, alcohol and then going for a midnight swim?
Coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley said the cause of Mr Rusling’s death was drowning in seawater. The presence of ketamine and Diazepam was a contributing factor.The cocaine and alcohol did not play a part.
They didn't help, did they?!
She concluded Mr Rusling’s death was an accident.
Isn't 'an accident' something that couldn't be foreseen?


  1. At this point, a talented footballer and aspiring rapper who's turning his life around is the real life equivalent of that cop in the movie who's working his final shift before retirement.

  2. "The cocaine and alcohol did not play a part."

    Hmm everyone who has ever been Rx'd benzos knows (and is WARNED) that even minor amounts of alcohol can increase the respiratory suppression effect of benzos. You never, if you have any sense, mix the grape and the GABA. God only knows what adding Special K and coke to the mix does or why anyone would want to for that matter. So the coroner's comments puzzle me.

  3. 'You never, if you have any sense, mix the grape and the GABA.’

    Precisely what my Grandma used to say.

  4. Coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley placated the compo rabble whilst wondering what was the point of this money wasting druggy's inquest and hoping no progeny.

  5. "At this point, a talented footballer and aspiring rapper who's turning his life around is the real life equivalent of that cop in the movie who's working his final shift before retirement."

    Genuine LOL! :D

    "So the coroner's comments puzzle me."

    A lot of coroners seem to place more emphasis on being social workers eager to excuse their 'clients', rather than investigators eager to get to the truth.

    "...and hoping no progeny."

    We can BUT hope...
