Tuesday 9 January 2018

I Don't Think It's A Dog That This Family Needs...

Eight-year-old Riley Whitehouse has autism, ADHD, anxiety, and is becoming increasingly unmanageable in the Redbourn family setting.
His conditions made him aggressive, impatient, impulsive, and rude. He sometimes lashes out at his siblings, such as pushing them at the top of the stairs.
Sounds very much like an accident waiting to happen. Who is ensuring the safety and welfare of the other children? Anyone?
Autism Life Dogs could help Riley because they are specially trained to react to their particular owners needs and develop physical, cognitive, life and social skills. However, the helper puppies cost £20,000, of which mum of four Shelley, 30, needs to contribute £9,500.
Wait, that's the answer? A dog? No matter how well trained, it'd have to be a combination of Lassie and Rin Tin Tin to prevent disaster!
Shelley is also juggling caring for 16-month-old Mikey, who has severe allergies and is fed through a tube, six-year-old Brooke and four-year-old Skyla-Louise.
Nice crop of disabilities there, as well as chavnames!
She said: “Life is miserable and this dog is the only light at the end of our tunnel right now. We cannot cope. Well definitely not for much longer.”
So the answer is to go begging for money in the newspaper, instead of facing up to the issue? Wonderful! Welcome to modern 'parenting'...


  1. Bloody hell! A string of chavnames and made up disabilities. It really is time to stop breeding

  2. Damn! my kids have dull names and no issues, I need to have a word.

  3. It's the last thing this family needs! All dogs need to be exercised on a regular day-to-day basis so no time there, plus where is the money coming from to pay for the cost of feeding and possible future vet bills? Animals can have amazing powers to communicate with certain types of people but they are also very astute in sussing-out their environment to see if it has good vibes. Who in their right mind would even entertain the thought of putting a dog in that situation? This is a case that needs serious intervention but as usual I presume the wonderful welfare managers know best ... yeah right!

  4. Could be a good answer if said canine eats the little perisher.

  5. "It really is time to stop breeding"

    But it's 'er 'uman right, innit?

    "Damn! my kids have dull names and no issues, I need to have a word."

    You're a threatened species!

    "t's the last thing this family needs! All dogs need to be exercised on a regular day-to-day basis so no time there, plus where is the money coming from to pay for the cost of feeding and possible future vet bills? "

    Can't cope with kids, so give me a four legged 'kid' who can't even speak...

    "Could be a good answer if said canine eats the little perisher."

    Well, that's one way of recycling all the pitbulls the cops seize... :D
