Thursday 11 January 2018

It's No Surprise The Police Are Screwing Up Sexual Assault Cases...

Pc Roscoe, who had been working for Rochdale division, was found to have committed gross misconduct at a Greater Manchester Police disciplinary hearing, following an investigation by police watchdog the IPCC.
He was given a final written warning and remains a police constable.
WTAF..? This was no simple flirtation that was misconstrued by a humourless feminista, either:
The officer was in the Heywood area responding to reports of a domestic disturbance in the early hours of October 15 last year. He ended up parked outside the home of the woman who would go on to report him.
He beckoned her over and asked for a cup of tea, before following her inside, where he told her she was ‘absolutely gorgeous’, asked if he could pick her up because of her petite frame, placed her on the kitchen worktop and tried to kiss her.
Which is assault.
The woman, who rebuffed his advances before reporting them, said: “Since it happened I am still worried that he will come back to my property.
“It is despicable and he doesn’t deserve the honour of wearing the uniform. He should have been dismissed - you can’t go round doing things like that. He twice asked if he could come back.”
So what's the reason for this undue leniency?
At a GMP disciplinary hearing following the investigation a panel found that Pc Roscoe had behaved ‘opportunistically’, shown no remorse and had abused the trust placed in him. It also concluded the woman had suffered some psychological impact - although no serious harm - and that Pc Roscoe’s actions will have hurt the reputation of the police force.
However, the complainant insists that no one should hold the force itself responsible - and has thanked GMP and the IPCC for their support.
She's far more generous than I am then. They enable his behaviour, when they fail to dismiss him from the farce. It's not like he's even come clean!
Pc Roscoe denied he acted inappropriately towards the woman in any way. But the panel upheld the misconduct case and said that Pc Roscoe kept his job because of ‘mitigating factors’. These included the incident being ‘brief in duration’ and that he had backed off when his advances were rebuffed.
Those are the lamest excuses I've heard, and I've heard plenty. I guess the motto of the disciplinary board is 'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!'.

But it doesn't seem to extend to other cops:
Two police officers who went to a petrol station to get coffee to avoid confronting a group of men hunting hares have been sacked for gross misconduct. Constables Robert Ashcroft and Ataul Ahmad, from Slough, Berkshire, were dismissed by Thames Valley Police following a misconduct hearing which found they breached standards of professional behaviour. A spokesman for the force said the case was brought following three separate incidents between January and March this year.
So perhaps they are just waiting for Roscoe to assault two more women, then he'll feel their wrath?


  1. I don't suppose his full name is PC Roscoe P Coltrane?

  2. "to avoid confronting a group of men hunting hares"

    Hmmm now let me think....hare coursing ....a 17th Century 'sport'...Who do we know, Boys and Girls, which group of people have a 17th Century mind set?

    Suddenly the reticence of the coppers to intervene becomes rather understandable, why risk a knifing to save a few vermin when no action will be taken against the stabbers of no firm abode...?

  3. Yet police do all they can to persecute innocent non-police

    Yep, another one of ... how many?

    " French businessman was accused of slapping and groping woman in nightclub
    CCTV showed the woman carry on drinking with accused after alleged attack
    After jury were shown the footage, they cleared the accused of sexual assault
    Case comes amid mounting concerns over disclosure of evidence in sex cases
    Valentin Krzyzyk has slammed police and prosecutors for their alleged failings"

    Blair, Starmer, Cameron, May and Saunders should be charged with perverting the course of justice along with all who "just followed orders"

  4. He looks downright intimidating. I'm surprised the victim had the courage to report him. I guess if it happens again, he'll be hung out to dry. Like the one near me, who had sex on duty with several women over several months, despite being married with two kids. They threw the book at him. I don't get it though, why do these men think that their behaviour is so wonderful? I mean honestly, he looks more like an East End thug than a copper. You'd hardly think, 'Phwoar yeah, baby. Let's get it on...'


  5. "I don't suppose his full name is PC Roscoe P Coltrane?"


    "Who do we know, Boys and Girls, which group of people have a 17th Century mind set?"

    You need to qualify that with 'and are native to these shores'.

    "Blair, Starmer, Cameron, May and Saunders should be charged with perverting the course of justice..."

    Spot on!

    "I mean honestly, he looks more like an East End thug than a copper."

    That's clearly worked in his favour before, with some women! Of this, I have no doubt.
