Wednesday 21 February 2018

There Has To Be More To This Story...

Four men who beat a dog owner with a golf club and pool cue because he put a bag of dog poo in their bin have been jailed.
The victim suffered a fractured skull and bleeding to the brain in the attack in Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, on 7 July.
His dog was swung by its lead and beaten with wood.
What sort of animals are these?
Paul Hands, 38, who planned the attack, was jailed for 13 years for assault. Three others were jailed for up to 11 years. At Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court, Darren Barnfather, 51, of Holebottom, was sentenced to 11 years for assault. John McCarthy, 52, was jailed for two-and-a-half years. Darren Bagnell, 51, of Hilton Cresent, Ashton-under-Lyne, also got two-and-a-half years.
 Harsh sentencing (for the modern UK). That says to me this wasn't their first offence.
Det Con Simon Cropper, of Greater Manchester Police, said the "vicious" attack was over "such a trivial matter".
Yet fails to utter the usual platitudes about this being 'an isolated offence'...


  1. DC Cropper stated "I would like to commend him (the victim) for his bravery". Another regulation IQ with faulty link to mouth, resulted in a rather vague expression of this plod's admiration. Habitually?dumping mutt floaters in a bin some other householder is left to clean, and for provocatively parading the same crap machine along the same route in order to distribute further free samples of warm dog shit, is undoubtedly the sort of foolhardy courage which could result in a lynching.
    The sentences are indeed harsh...perhaps these vigilantes are seen as some kind of career threat by the Town Hall's overpaid Canine Management Executives.

  2. No mention is made of any TICs. I'l wager that each defendant had more than just a few.

  3. "No mention is made of any TICs. I'l wager that each defendant had more than just a few."

    Oh yes!
