Thursday 8 February 2018

"Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself."

Armed officers swooped on the graveyard in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, after being alerted by a taxi driver who had ferried Couse there from his nearby home.
Airdrie Sheriff Court was told cabbie Christopher O’Neill reported seeing a gun and ammo during the ride to Coltswood Cemetery.
Couse, who had been drinking, was cuffed and taken to Coatbridge police office where he told officers: “I’ve not done anything wrong.
“I’m a ‘gyppo’ and it’s a tradition. I just shot three rounds over my ma’s grave and you cannae charge me with anything.”
And that wasn't the only thing he got wrong!
Prosecutor Agnes Meek said Couse, 50, in fact fired five shots in tribute to his late mother, Isabella Forrester, 67.
Sheriff Petra Collins deferred sentence for reports until next month and released Couse on bail.
What sort of reports?


  1. Reports which will get him off because he's a self-confessed gyppo and therefore a victim of racism, was pissed, which is society's fault and it's his tradition, which is the ultimate get out of jail card.

  2. And, of course, he will turn up to answer his bail.

  3. A report on his accuracy? Must have been a pistol too. How very naughty considering the stupid gun laws we have in the UK.

  4. Rae Carruth was a football player for the Carolina

  5. "Reports which will get him off because he's a self-confessed gyppo and therefore a victim of racism..."


    "Must have been a pistol too. How very naughty considering the stupid gun laws we have in the UK."

    No-one seems too interested in how these ne'er-do-wells always seem to obtain them with little difficulty, do they?
