Monday 5 March 2018

And We Wonder Why The Quality Of Our Police 'Service' Continues To Nosedive...

In an impact statement read out at Hove Crown Court yesterday, the woman said: “I completely trusted him and now see how stupid I was.
“I felt like I was his puppet. This continued for months and gradually got worse.
“He kept me in a place where I didn’t know if I was coming or going.
“He destroyed my self-esteem.”
Just another weak, low IQ female victim of a terrible cad..?
Her health deteriorated dramatically during their relationship and she said between July 2015 and July 2016 she lost three stone in weight due to the “stress of being with him”.
She said: “I 100 per cent blame Alex for causing my illness. I believe the stress he brought to me caused my illness.
“I was off work for months after this.
“He ruined me financially. I was left with no choice but to move in with my parents, which, with my two very young children, brought stresses.”
Gosh! How terrible. Say, what was your job, anyway?
Alex Rush was a Brighton-based PC and acting sergeant before being dismissed for gross misconduct last year.
He started an intimate relationship with a lower-rank constable, also based in the city, in July 2015, despite having a wife and son.

Wait. You were employed by the police, and couldn't spot (or deal with) a wrong 'un?


  1. And the woman can't be named, so we'll never know who the dimbulb is.

  2. The quality of police is a worry now. There were already signs as far back as the 70s but nothing as bizarre as we have today.

  3. before being dismissed for gross misconduct last year.

    I read that as the Police Service improving quality...the man was an absolute bounder and they rightly dismissed him. However, for full marks, the Police Service needed to have dismissed the WPC too. There can be no place for a police officer who abuses or allows themselves to be abused.

  4. My God...where do they find this merde? Chums of yours, Jaded?

  5. I don't want to burst your bubble Melvin but I don't know every single policeman in the country. Nor am I responsible personally when one of them messes up. I also don't defend the indefensible either, I only correct you when you are being your usual boring self and stereo-typing us all.

    From the scant details in the paper this ex-PC seems an idiot and got what he deserved. Don't read too much into the "lower ranking officer " scenario. Anyone of us can be acting Sergeant. Even I have done it on occasions as my length of service means I stand in when the real Sergeant is off.

    The victim in this also comes out without much credit. She started an affair with a married man with a young child. When he first started to turn psycho she should have stopped him immediately by dumping him or reporting him. She would be surrounded by colleagues who could have given her advice and support.

  6. "And the woman can't be named, so we'll never know who the dimbulb is."

    Quite! If only we could believe she was unrepresentative....

    "There were already signs as far back as the 70s ..."

    In the 70s it was mostly corruption and fitting people up. But at least they were fitting up people for proper crimes!

    "However, for full marks, the Police Service needed to have dismissed the WPC too."

    She's probably a Superintendent by now!

    "She would be surrounded by colleagues who could have given her advice and support."

    And there would have been plenty of institutional help too, no doubt.
