Friday 23 March 2018

Would "Culprit, Malefactor, Delinquent, Reprobate" Suit You Better?

Ralph Pickles, director of Outwood Grange Academies Trust Board, said his goal was to change the culture at his academies “so that the ones who are admired are the ones who are successful and aren’t the miscreants”.
An admirable goal. Who could disagree?
The comment irked Cllr Dianne Hewitt (Ed: yes, Labour, of course...) who said she found the use of the word “miscreant” unacceptable.
She said: “How we use language is important.
“How we value people is important.”


  1. Methinks the councillor is lacking in her rage quota for the month, and is trying to make up for it. After all, why else would you get upset over a word that makes the whole affair sound like an episode of Scooby-Doo?

  2. Scrotes?

  3. "After all, why else would you get upset over a word that makes the whole affair sound like an episode of Scooby-Doo?"



    That's certainly more like it...
