Thursday 19 July 2018

The Grace And Dignity Of A Liverpudlian Funeral...

A relative contacted the ECHO to complain Merseyside Police had acted too aggressively.
She said: "It was a shambles.
"It was too heavy-handed.
"My daughter, who is 11, was vomiting because she was so scared.
"It was wrong what [police] did - they could at least have waited until the funeral had finished.
"There were wild animal scenes INSIDE the crematorium - everyone was fighting.
"There must have been at least 20 police officers there.
"The trouble even affected another funeral that was taking place after ours."
Ah, Liverpool, don't ever change!
A Merseyside Police spokeswoman added: "It is unfortunate that the man was arrested at a funeral and we acknowledge the upset that this may have caused to those inside.
"Officers were waiting to apprehend him after the service but we believe he may have been alerted to our presence and made an attempt to escape.
"We have a duty to the community to apprehend prolific wanted offenders.
"It should be of comfort that he is off the streets, not a concern."
Well, indeed so! And for any normal people, it would be.
His family admitted his tag had been unlawfully taken off by him.
But the relative added: "He's a 17-year-old kid, he's not a murderer."
Not yet, no.


  1. St.Helens not Liverpool, may as well be on Mars.

  2. "St.Helens not Liverpool, may as well be on Mars."

    I'm not familiar with the geography of the place. All I remember from my visits is their refuse bins are purple!
