Thursday 6 September 2018

The Best You Can Hope For Is It's A Typo...

A man in his thirties suffered serious injuries in the attack, which took place in Walmgate on Wednesday, April 18.
A pool of blood and the man's belongings were visible at the scene behind a police cordon for much of the following day, and three people were eventually arrested in connection with the attack.
April. It's now September.
North Yorkshire Police said a 30-year-old from Sheffield was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent, being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs, and possession of criminal property, and a 22-year-old man from Huddersfield, was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent and supplying Class A drugs.
A third man, also 22 and from Huddersfield, was arrested in connection with the same incident, and charged with possession of Class B drugs.
Open and shut case?
On Friday, a police spokeswoman confirmed all three men who were arrested in connection with the incident "have been released pending no further action".


  1. could it be that Plod did a deal? grass up your supplier(s) and we'll let you go until next time?

  2. "arrested on suspicion...concerned with the supply...intent"

    It is possible, especially with the fabled (I would use another 'f' word but that might shock Joolz's delicate sensibilities) Yorkshire police that they arrested the wrong 3 stabby dealy McChavs.

  3. 'could it be that Plod did a deal?' It's far more likely that Huddersfield's successful criminals simply run intellectual rings around Plod, who remain dependent on confessions of the "It's a fair cop, guv" variety.

  4. "could it be that Plod did a deal?"

    Now that's a strong possibility!

    "...that they arrested the wrong 3 stabby dealy McChavs."

    Well, when you throw a stick in the forest, you're bound to hit some of the wrong trees!
