Thursday 11 October 2018

"And Now, A Word From The Famous Crisp Salesman..."

'Whatever the outcome...' *rolls eyes*
One critic named Eisha Action accused the club of "irresponsibly glazing over the situation in the most insensitive way possible."
While Zack Goldman tweeted: "This is very bad and you should delete it, apologise, apologise another time and try again."
Football writer Daniel Storey said: "Don't think it's helpful to offer opinions on serious allegations - particularly on social media - but that Juventus statement in (sic) abhorrent."
If the snowflakes are upset, it's a sign you're doing something right.
Ronaldo's sponsors Nike and video game maker EA Sports have both expressed concern about his alleged conduct.
Doesn't anyone believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' any more..?


  1. Welcome to 'Social Justice', where evidence, due process, fairness, and impartiality are abandoned in favour of anger, shaming, and self-righteous indignation.

    Basically, this is the modern-day equivalent of lynch mobs.

  2. And survivors. Mustn’t forget survivors.

  3. The sad thing about Gary Lineker's stupid tweets is that people will forget what a great player he once was. He will just be remembered for being an idiot with an nonsense left-wing opinion on the news.
    As well as cheating on his wife. And being a smug git.
    I'm an Arsenal fan and I can almost forgive him for playing for Spurs.

  4. Oh, Julia, haven't you been paying attention? There are witches to catch and if their horse says they are guilty, then they must be burned. Evidence? Pah! All we need is accusation.

  5. "Basically, this is the modern-day equivalent of lynch mobs."

    Without all that tiresome dressing up and lighting torches and locating a pitchfork in this day and age...

    "The sad thing about Gary Lineker's stupid tweets is that people will forget what a great player he once was. "

    His choice.

    "Evidence? Pah! All we need is accusation."

    It's a Brave New World.
