Friday 23 November 2018

Happy (Modern) Families...

An investigation has been launched after a bus driver drove off with a five-year-old onboard leaving the rest of his family behind.
Oh noes! Every mother's horror.
Intrepid passenger Freddie Gore hopped onto the bus while mother Tracey Gore got ready to board with her one-year-old granddaughter Isla Hassan.
But before they, as well as Charlie Gore, eight, and Shenelle Hassan, 11, could join him the driver closed the doors and carried on along the route.
“I was fearful for Freddie, wondering if it would stop. You don’t know who is on the bus nowadays, he could have been abducted. It was terrifying and I’m dreading the next school run.”
But it's not the bus driver's responsibility to care for your extended brood. It's yours.

Commenter Ray Vonn says: "So she has a 11 year old Daughter with a different surname to hers and her brothers, a 5 year old and 8 year old with the same surname, and a Grand daughter with the same surname as her 11 year old.?"

Yes. That rather puzzled me too...

As did this, from commenter Henry Champion:
"I am struggling to do the Math, without even attempting to work out the surnames. The mother is a grandmother and her 5 year old, 8 year old and 11 year old have a 1 year old Niece! How does that work outcome wise?????"
Beats me! I've never been good at maths.


  1. Gone are the days when a teacher at school would talk about family trees and get their pupils to draw their own!

  2. Actually - no. A kid gets on the bus. Yes the responsible adult seems to be mucking about with prams and stuff, but that does not excuse the driver from moving off with that kid on board.

  3. "Gone are the days when a teacher at school would talk about family trees and get their pupils to draw their own!"

    They'd look like monkey puzzles!

    "Yes the responsible adult seems to be mucking about with prams and stuff, but that does not excuse the driver from moving off with that kid on board."

    I think it's a bit of a big ask to expect a bus driver to count them all off and count them all back like he was Brian Hanrahan!
