Saturday 1 December 2018

You Can Safely Ignore These Objections...

Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, has come under pressure to order Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan police commissioner, to...
Pull her finger out and get a grip on London's street crime epidemic?
...stop plans for officers to patrol residential areas of the city with their guns on show.
By which utter morons, may I ask?
Len Duvall, a Labour member of the London Assembly (Ed: Translation: career obstructive guttersnipe) and former chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, the body which used to oversee the Met, said: “Now the police with guns are in cars, in central London because of the terrorist threat, or for a specific operation.
“Police walking around a [council] estate with guns is a crazy thing. It creates a different atmosphere. It does not make sense and has not been thought through.”
Stafford Scott of the Monitoring Group (Ed: Translation - fulltime taxpayer funded race-baiter), which campaigns against what it sees as police injustices, said: “The more oppressive the policing and state response is, the more the violence will increase. These kids have been bullied by the police and its partners for most of their lives.
“They cannot fight the state so they fight each other. The police need to identify those who are a real threat and not simply use the violence as an excuse to oppress large sections of the community.
Ah. The usual suspects. Listening to them is what got us into this state. Try something new. 


  1. So it's O.K. for the crims to swagger about with guns & knifes, but not those tasked with enforcing law & order? Every day brings yet another reason to hate the left...

  2. This is nothing new. To the best of my knowledge armed foot patrols were used over twenty years ago. After all Royalty and Diplomatic protection have fixed posts as well as short patrols in the vicinity of premises they are protecting. BTP and major airports have armed officers out on foot. As far as I am aware the world is still spinning. It's the usual suspects trying to keep in with their voter base.

  3. The trouble is that the police do listen to these idiots instead of the decent majority.

  4. "They cannot fight the state so they fight each other". Okay so - disarm the police so they can beat up their local bobby instead of fighting each other.

  5. The mere fact that armed police are to patrol such areas is a clear indication that they HAVE identified those who are a real threat.

  6. I lived on a Sarf London carncil estate. Bermondsey old school. The overwhelming public mood there was for public execution of muggers and drug users.

  7. "Every day brings yet another reason to hate the left..."

    And it isn't like we NEEDED more...

    "It's the usual suspects trying to keep in with their voter base."

    I suspect they are more likely to be non-voters, which makes this even more futile.

    "The trouble is that the police do listen to these idiots instead of the decent majority."

    Two words: 'Common' and 'Purpose'.

    "The overwhelming public mood there was for public execution of muggers and drug users."

    Heh! True!
