Saturday 23 February 2019

Whatever This Is, It's Not Evolution...

Sir Andrew McFarlane, president of the Family Division of the High Court, is overseeing the case at a trial in London.
He is analysing legal argument from lawyers representing the man, the baby, the head of the General Register Office, Department of Health and Social Care ministers and Home Office ministers.
Anyone want to place any bets on how this is going to go?
Lawyers say that if Sir Andrew rules in favour of the man, the baby could be the first person born in England and Wales who will not legally have a mother.
The man says being forced to register as a ‘mother’ breaches his human right to respect for private and family life.
What on earth is there to 'respect' in this grotesque, selfish, attention-seeking freakshow?
Such ‘interference’ is not proportionate or necessary in the light of changes which have ‘evolved in society’, he says.
Evolution is what made you able to carry a child. What has made you pretend to be something it's clear you are not is something else entirely.


  1. I usually try to at least pretend to be constructive, but eff these freaks to hell and back.

  2. Mother Nature, the FINAL arbiter as to which sex (or gender, the words really are interchangeable) you are, states that if you have a vagina, a uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries then you are NOT male. You are a woman, you have conceived a child and given birth to it. You are a MOTHER.
    THE END.

  3. "What has made you pretend to be something it's clear you are not is something else entirely."

    That something else is called a mental aberration; in days gone by, it would have been treated, not sanctified,

  4. Out of kindness, let’s allow a change of gender, once all xer reproductive bits have been removed: anything less reveals a lack of commitment!

  5. "I usually try to at least pretend to be constructive, but eff these freaks to hell and back."

    In any movement, there are always outliers. When did we start listening to them, and not the quiet majority who probably look on as aghast as anyone else?

    "You are a woman, you have conceived a child and given birth to it. You are a MOTHER. "

    Did you leave a word off...? ;)

    "... in days gone by, it would have been treated, not sanctified,"

    This is often countered with 'being gay used to be treated as a mental disorder!'. At least people who are gay counter attacks with biology.

    "...anything less reveals a lack of commitment!"

