Sunday 24 March 2019

When Intelligent Autofill Goes Wrong...

Errr, yeah. Thanks, Shopping List app. I don't think I'll be buying one of those this weekend...


  1. I would say no to an Anaconda most definitely. However, I might be persuaded to buy one of those aggressive mutant radioactive pigs that are wandering around the area Fukashima nuclear plant in Japan. Such an animal would make a highly effective personal defence beast should I ever feel the need to wander around some of the more Islamised shitholes that have been created in UK.

  2. Oh, go on! They're easy to feed - a politician a month should be enough.
    Just don't tell the RSPCA - they'll do you for being unkind to the snake!

  3. "Such an animal would make a highly effective personal defence beast should I ever feel the need to wander around some of the more Islamised shitholes that have been created in UK."

    I've often thought the police should start using sniffer pigs. Just for the lols!

    "They're easy to feed - a politician a month should be enough."

    Sadly, it takes them so long to digest, and there's 600+ to get through...
