Wednesday 24 April 2019

So Close To A Darwin Award....

...but sadly, she's already reproduced:
Mum-of-two Zoe Louise Sarjeant, 27, of Daisy Fields, in Thornton, fractured her neck in the high speed crash and died at the scene.
She did not have a driving licence, was not wearing a seatbelt and was over the drink-drive limit when she took off in an Audi A4 after spending the night and early hours of the morning drinking at her home with friends.
Bring on the chavshrine!
Many have paid tribute on social media, as well as placing flowers and notes at the scene. Some even etched messages into the tree itself.
Of course! How better to memorialise this waste of oxygen than by vandalising a living thing?
One friend posted an emotional tribute on Facebook.
Remember when 'tributes' were for people deserving of them?
She said: “It just hasn’t sunk in yet from finding out yesterday that one of my closest friends had passed away.
“Zoe you had everything ahead of you you didn’t deserve any of this at all. Just showed you need to live your life to the max.”
How'd that work out, love?
“It’s left both of your babies without their mum, who was an amazing role model and did everything she possibly could to give them a happy life.”
Except 'stick around'...


  1. As you say, the tragedy is that she has already reproduced.

  2. It’s a pity she didn’t hit the accelerator before hatching two babes. They’re the ones suffering the consequences of this narcissistic menace.

  3. “Zoe you had everything ahead of you...." Especially the tree!
    It's sad that someone has died, and even sadder that someone has lost their mother, but Newton's laws of motion aren't also called, 'The laws of unintended consequences' for nothing.

  4. "It’s left both of your babies without their mum, who was an amazing role model"

    I suggest that with a "Role Model" who "Did not have a driving licence, was not wearing a seatbelt and was over the drink-drive limit", these unfortunate sprogs might now actually be better off with someone else looking after them...

  5. The usual baffling mix of surnames, ex "partners", chaotic, aimless lifestyle and children apparently being left in the care of, well, nobody really. The same pattern, ad nauseum.

    I'm reminded of a single mother (a generous use of "mother") I know who appears to spend all day on Farcebook posting about how she's "a strong woman for her booiii", constantly in a whirl of self-dramatisation, while in reality seems to spend most of her time getting smashed in a grotty pub with a succession of different blokes while the toddler is dumped on anyone who'll have him.

  6. "They’re the ones suffering the consequences of this narcissistic menace."

    They are probably being brought up by relatives. We can all guess how well that'll work out, eh?

    "“Zoe you had everything ahead of you...." Especially the tree!"


    "...these unfortunate sprogs might now actually be better off with someone else looking after them..."

    Not if they are the same kind who brought up the mother, no.

    "The usual baffling mix of surnames, ex "partners", chaotic, aimless lifestyle and children apparently being left in the care of, well, nobody really. The same pattern, ad nauseum."

    It's like there's a cookie-cutter factory turning them all out, isn't it?

  7. I knew Zoe since childhood. She was brilliantly funny, and kind hearted. Despite her turbulent childhood and teens, everyone adored her. She made a huge mistake and it cost her her life. I fail to see how that is anything to laugh about.
