Wednesday 10 July 2019

It Beggars Belief That This Is Needed...

...until you realise we're dealing with the NHS:
To prevent a repeat in the future, an email was sent to all staff insisting that all babies needing a lumbar puncture must have their name band checked with the results on the neonatal unit, and that this should be documented in the medical notes.
If the email wasn't headed up 'Check you've got THE RIGHT BLOODY PATIENT..' I expect it'll be ignored.


  1. I'm encouraged by the comments under the article, in that they are universally negative about the shining city on a hill that we are told the NHS is. I'm convinced that 'support' for the NHS is paper thin, sustained by nothing more than producer interest (ie the unions representing the workers within it) and the Leftist interest (which is one step removed from producer interest - the unions support the Left). Actual voters know that the NHS is a pile of sh&t - they have to deal with its tender mercies for themselves and their families all the time, every person you talk to who has had a significant health issue requiring long term interaction with the NHS can tell you 'their' story of incompetence and failure.

    A Brexit type day of reckoning is coming for the NHS, and the screams from the usual suspects will match those about Brexit, because they won't see it coming. A political party will eventually come out against the NHS and clean up at the ballot box, because there will be a rich seam of anti-NHS public opinion that is utterly unknown to those in the Establishment. And all the screams about 'Destroying our NHS' will count for nothing, as with all the Brexit doom-mongering, because people will be so fed up with the status quo that they'll vote for anything rather than more of the same.

  2. "I'm encouraged by the comments under the article, in that they are universally negative...."

    The usual suspects will simply claim they are 'unrepresentative'.

    "A Brexit type day of reckoning is coming for the NHS..."

    It cannot come soon enough for me!
