Thursday 11 July 2019

Those Are Called 'Consequences'...

A police officer who assaulted his wife, twice, has avoided jail.
Instead Sergeant Daniel Hughes, 40, from Basildon, was ordered to carry out community service - and pay his wife £300 in compensation.
Not a real cop, at least. Just British Transport Police, or rather, he was...
Mitigating, Richard Atchley asked for six months for Hughes to pay the fines.
He said: “He is in a negative financial situation.
“He is unemployed and has no income.
“He has ambition to get back in the saddle and find work.
“His father will pay £50 a month starting in seven days.”
He didn't get the sack, mind you. He resigned before they could sack him.


  1. Stupid Lawyers:

    "He might have assaulted her a third time, Your Honour, but as she showed that she didn't understand either time she'd been told before, what was the point?"


    Barrister: "Your Honour, as the DUke of Wellington put it so cogently, once is circumstance, twice is happenstance - or coincidence, as we might say today - but the third time shows intent. I therefore put it to you that the accused simply had no intent to harm his wife as there was no third incident."

    Judge: "The accused is not female, therefore such 'pussy pass' arguments cannot be upheld."

  2. Never use one word when you an use three longer ones.

    Negative financial position = broke. :-)

  3. "Judge: "The accused is not female, therefore such 'pussy pass' arguments cannot be upheld.""


    "Never use one word when you an use three longer ones."

    You'd think they were paid by the word, like journalists!
