Monday 8 July 2019

When The PR Tiger Turns On You...

So, it was Pride Weekend and every company that thought they could get some free publicity was donning rainbows faster than a six year old girl with a new packet of glittery felt tip pens. 

The National Theatre was no exception:

And all went horribly wrong:

This of course attracted the sort of attention the NT didn't want:

Yes, Stephen, you're missing something. Something the inestimable David Thompson likes to call psychodrama.

It's the 'identity group eating itself again'. Or as Monty Python put it, The People's Front Of Judea syndrome. It seems these lesbians are, if you believe Twitter, a secretly US Alt Right funded lobby group. Not just a bunch of women in sensible shoes wanting a drink.

To misquote Henry Kissinger, “The reason that identity group politics is so vicious is because the stakes are so small.”


  1. Even the Institution of Civil Engineers ( want to be in ton the act! Jeepers, you'd have thought they were a staid, boring, grey male organisation, but no.

  2. I think that their problem is that their codes of behaviour about what you can and cannot say, what you can and cannot wear, what you can and cannot do etc, are contradictory. So you are going to eventually end up in trouble for doing something that you will be in trouble for not doing as well.

  3. I understand that electricians and carpenters are having problems with "male" and "female" plugs and sockets and timber joints. What goes where with "xe" fittings?

  4. "Jeepers, you'd have thought they were a staid, boring, grey male organisation, but no."

    Clearly not!

    "So you are going to eventually end up in trouble for doing something that you will be in trouble for not doing as well."

    How best to rule, than with fear?

    "I understand that electricians and carpenters are having problems with "male" and "female" plugs and sockets and timber joints. What goes where with "xe" fittings?"

    Never buy a new build and you may not have to find out the hard way!
